Saturday, May 27, 2006

How I Became My Own Consumer Credit Counseling Service And Bounced Back From My Bad Credit Nightmare (part 2, continued)

Why even talk about something like raising your credit rating by starting a new credit file? Because there are better ways your money could be spent if you’re really concerned with things like improving your credit, raising your FICO score, and cleaning up your act. There are better ways but people won't believe it unless they're given proof.

Let's face it, there's something about the idea of creating a new credit file that spreads a dark, mysterious allure in the realm of the imagination. Once you know the truth, that kind of stuff no longer has the capacity to hold you in thrall.I also like to imagine that TransUnion, Experian and Equifax would mightily disapprove of my revealing such information, and any action they would disapprove of is one that I feel obligated to embrace.

See, I got my rump kicked by The Big Three - TransUnion, Equifax and Experian - and all those rapacious banks and corporations dangling Mastercards and Visas before my eyes, corporations highly skilled in the ancient art of usury, and my feeling is, I don't owe them a damned thing. And yes, I'll be the first to admit that I'm the one who got myself in trouble. After all, MasterCard and Visa and Amex didn't twist my arm to make me apply for their plastic. But they also made sure that I knew I wasn't going to get far without that plastic.

They paid millions of advertising dollars to make sure I knew without a shadow of a doubt that nobody, and I mean nobody, goes far without plastic. Those millions of advertising dollars created campaigns that vividly dramatized the ultimate desirability of plastic in ways that were exquisite and almost heartbreaking.

The desire for plastic and what it represents was a brilliantly engineered fiction animated by ad campaigns, but it also turned out to be true in "real life": nobody gets anywhere without plastic. Ask Donald Trump. Ask Microsoft, General Motors, Haliburton or any company that uses leverage to build or fortify their financial position. Ask the U.S. government.

By exposing you to the How To Start A New Credit File info, I'm not advocating that you act on it. I'm presenting it as a look at the lengths to which a desperate person feels compelled to travel in order to extricate herself from the prison of a bad credit record. I'm presenting it for strictly educational reasons.

I'm presenting it because I was always curious about it, and you probably are too. Every time I saw an ad, I wondered whether or not it was a scam. How the devil would you go about creating a new credit file? I'd been seeing that ad, it seems, since I was a snot-nosed bandy-legged kid and I always wanted to know. And you know as well as I did that the people selling the information charge a couple hundred bucks for it, so that was a hefty price to pay just to satisfy your curiosity. But I broke down and paid and now I know. And now you're going to know, too ... (consumer credit counseling, to be continued)


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